- Changrim Ahn
Title: New Integrable RG flows with Parafermions
Abstract: We consider irrelevant deformations of massless RSOS scattering theories by an infinite number of higher TTbar_{s+1} operators which introduce extra non-trivial CDD factors. It is shown that the resulting theories can be UV complete after bypassing typical Hagedorn-like singularities if the coefficients of the deformations are fine-tuned. In this way, we have discovered that new UV complete QFTs are associated with a M_p (p=3,4,...) minimal CFT based on the integrable structure of the RSOS scattering theory. We identify these QFTs as massless Z_{p-1} parafermionic sinh-Gordon models (PShG) with a self-dual coupling constant. This correspondence is confirmed by showing that the scale-dependent vacuum energies computed by the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz based on the S-matrices match those from the quantization conditions for the PShG models using the reflection amplitudes.
- Zoltan Bajnok
Title: Non-invertible symmetries and off-critical defects
Abstract: In my talk I will explain how integrable defects can be constructed in the perturbed CFT point of view. The main focus will be on the Lee-Yang model, where I also determine the transmission factor of the particles on the defect and test it in the TCSA framework. I will use it to derive defect TBA equations. I also investigate how defects act on boundaries and use these non-invertible symmetries to relate partition functions with different boundary conditions.
- Jean-Emile Bourgine
Title: A Calogero model for the non-Abelian quantum Hall effect
Abstract: A new model for the non-Abelian quantum Hall effect is obtain from the diagonalization of a matrix model proposed by Dorey, Tong and Turner. The form of the Hamiltonian is reminiscent of a spin Calogero-Moser model but it involves higher representations of the non-abelian symmetry. I will present the energy spectrum, and ground state wave functions of this model, and discuss the affine Kac-Moody symmetries emerging at large N.
- Robert de Mello Koch
Title: Constructive Holography
- Xi-Wen Guan
Title: Confined and deconfined spin kinks in quasi-one-dimensional systems
Abstract: In a one-dimensional (1D) antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain, the elementary excitation is known as the continuum of two spinons, fractionalized quasiparticles responsible for spin fluctuation. Spinons behave as a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid at low energy, and exhibit exotic ballistic and superdiffusive conductivities at low and higher temperatures, respectively. On the other hand, in recent years there have been great deal of interest in confinement of such quasiparticles in spin-1/2 Ising-like quasi-1D antiferromagnets, leading to the exotic emergent E 8 massive spectra in compound BaCo 2 V 2 O 8. In this talk I will briefly discuss historical growth of interest in confined and deconfined spions. In particular, I will present in detail a many-body perturbation theory for analytical calculation of the spin dynamical structure factor (DSF) of the confined quasiparticles in two compounds Sr/BaCo 2 V 2 O 8 . Our results reveal significant microscopic origin of the confined kinks and further explain the experimental observation of the DSFs of the E8-like spectra in these compounds.
- Feng Hao
Title: Generalized TTbar deformation in higher dimensions (short talk)
Abstract: In this talk, we will review how TTbar deformation can be reformulated by using the dynamical coordinate transformation. We will show how this method can also be applied to different operators in higher dimensions. The flow equation for the metric associated with the deformation can be solved in a perturbative way. And this method can exactly solve both the TTbar case and the TrT^n case. We will also discuss TrT^n's applications and other possible generalizations.
- Shinji Hirano
Title: CFT on T\bar{T}-deformed Space & Correlators from Dynamical Coordinate Transformations
Abstract: In this talk, I discuss the description of the T\bar{T}-deformed CFT in terms of the undeformed CFT on the dynamical T\bar{T}-deformed space. The two descriptions are mapped to each other by a dynamical coordinate transformation. Developing a CFT-based operator formalism, the topics to be addressed are the deformation of the stress tensor, primary operators, their correlators, and the backreaction in the T\bar{T}-deformed space in response to local operator insertions. In particular, I show an intuitive and simple way to obtain the T\bar{T}-deformed semi-heavy correlators via dynamical coordinate transformations. Along the way, I also make a few comments on the holographic dual of the T\bar{T}-deformed CFT and how one may improve the cutoff AdS picture.
- Katsushi Ito
Title: ODE/IM Correspondence for Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
Abstract: We study the spectral problem in deformed supersymmetric quantum mechanics with polynomial superpotential by using the exact WKB method and the TBA equations. We apply the ODE/IM correspondence to the Schroedinger equation with an effective potential deformed by integrating out the fermions, which admits a continuous deformation parameter. We find that the TBA equations are described by the Z_4-extended ones. For cubic superpotential corresponding to the symmetric double-well potential, the TBA system splits into the two D_3-type TBA equations. We investigate in detail this example based on the TBA equations and their analytic continuation as well as the massless limit. We find that the energy spectrum obtained from the exact quantization condition is in good agreement with the diagonalization approach of the Hamiltonian.
- Euihun Joung
Title: Twistor actions for various particles from coadjoint orbits
Abstract: I will show how various twistor particle actions can be derived from coadjoint orbits of twistor groups. In this way, we recover many results of earlier literature and find some novel twistor actions.
- Ki-Seok Kim
Title: On the monotonicity of the renormalization group flow in nonequilibrium thermodynamics perspectives
Abstract: Following the entropy production description in nonequilibrium thermodynamics, we show the monotonicity of the renormalization group (RG) flow. In particular, we clarify the connection between the monotonicity of the RG flow (a- or c-theorem) and the entropy production (irreversibility). To investigate the monotonicity of the RG flow in the perspectives of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, we construct a holographic dual effective field theory of the cohomological type a la Witten, which manifests the RG flow in the level of an effective action. This effective field theory framework allows us to introduce various kinds of entropy functionals, where their monotonic behaviors play a central role in the monotonicity of the RG flow. We discuss how the Gibbs-type entropy functional, the holographic entropy functional, the Perelman's entropy functional, and the Weyl anomaly are all deeply related, based on our holographic dual effective field theory.
- Minkyoo Kim
Title: Black holes from Young diagrams
Abstract: In this talk, we are going to talk about the holographic dual of AdS black holes. We shall discuss what we should do to give characteristics of black holes in the dual supersymmetric Yang-Mills operator while considering operators heavy enough to give new geometries. We shall also comment on the entropy of AdS black holes and the spectral problem through the dilatation operator.
- Andre LeClair
Title: Sinh-Gordon theory beyond the self-dual point and the freezing transition in disordered systems.
Abstract: The sinh-Gordon model is perhaps the simplest integrable relativistic quantum field theory. Although the S-matrix formally has a strong-weak coupling duality, the physical nature of the model above the self-dual coupling is not understood. We propose that a non-conventional background charge is generated at the self-dual point. Support for this idea comes from the multi-fractal spectrum of random Dirac fermions.
- Norton Lee
Title: Dimer integrable model: Hamiltonians on a chess board
Abstract: Dimer model, also known as brane tiling or domino tiling, is a study of tessellation of an Euclidean plane. We consider a class of integrable systems proposed by Goncharov and Kenyon in correspondence with dimer models on a torus. These integrable systems are the generalization of the affine A-type relativistic Toda lattice. According to the correspondence every dimer model defines an integrable system, whose conserving Hamiltonians can be systematically calculated based on the perfect matching of the bipartite graph.
I will review some basic dimer models, then explain two ways of modifying known dimer graphs, generating new integrable systems. The quantization of these integrable systems can be solved by Bethe/Gauge correspondence with co-dimensional two defect introduced in 5d N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories.
- Sung-Sik Lee
Title: Low-energy effective theories of metals
Abstract: The fixed points of the renormalization group flow are crucial for classifying phases of matter and understanding their universal low-energy physics. In metals, however, fixed points are defined only projectively due to the indefinite growth of Fermi momentum under scale transformations. In this talk, I will discuss the physical implications of the projective nature of metallic fixed points and the recent progress made in charting the space of universality classes for non-Fermi liquids.
- Georgios Linardopoulos
Title: B-type anomaly coefficients of holographic defects
Abstract: This talk is about the computation of anomaly coefficients from the observables of anomaly-free holographic defect CFTs. These are described by (codimension-1) domain wall versions of N = 4 SYM that are holographically dual to the D3-D5 and the D3-D7 probe-brane systems. Starting from the explicit expression of the improved energy-momentum tensor of N = 4 SYM, we will determine its two and three-point functions in the presence of the domain walls and extract the boundary anomaly coefficients, to leading order in perturbation theory. In the same process, we will also determine the two and three-point function of the corresponding displacement operators.
- Yu Nakayama
Title: Infinitely many new renormalization group flows between Virasoro minimal models from non-invertible symmetries
- Thomas Quella
Title: Symmetry-protected topological phases with quantum group invariance
Abstract: In this talk I will review recent efforts to understand topological phases of 1D spin chains that are protected by quantum group symmetry. Key example will be the q-deformed AKLT model for which an exact Matrix Product State representation of the ground state can be found. We will then highlight non-trivial entanglement features and dualities in this model.
- Konstantin Zarembo
Title: 't Hooft loops and integrability
Abstract: A 't Hooft line in the N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory is integrable and can be studied by Bethe ansatz, localization and holography. The Wilson-'t Hooft loop correlator admits an interesting fishnet limit that connects weak and strong coupling through a (relatively) simple diagram resummation.